The Milchmuhseum in Usseln

You can discover everything there is to know about milk at the Upländer Milchmuhseum in Willingen-Usseln!

Here, children playfully follow the path of milk from the dairy animal to the finished dairy product. Depending on the age group, there is information about the dairy, milk processing, milking of the museum’s cow, the everyday life of a milkmaid in the 19th century is recreated and various machines of rural milk production are presented. Using the example of the former domestic butter production, cream is made into butter. Afterwards, each child can make a "butter sandwich" with homemade butter.

For those who like to hike, there is the Upländer Milk Trail.

For more info about the Milchmuhseum and the Upländer Milchpfad, visit the museum's homepage.

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